A Winning Day at the Races!

March 15th, 2025 Free Picks & Plays

Since the launch of this site eight years ago our statistics have remained consistent. Race winner is in top three selections 65% of the time 14,758/22,708 and top choice first or second 46% of the time 10,496/22,708. The algorithm is very good at zeroing in on live runners with regularity, you will often find the triple and super in our picks.

*5 on top winners last Friday at Aqueduct

*5 on top winners last Sunday at Aqueduct

*Pick 6 & Late Pick 5 for us last Saturday at Tampa Bay

 *Saturday’s Full Card Aqueduct & Colonial Downs Picks/Plays Below…

Aqueduct Selections

Race 1:  Strength Variable:

#6 Pam Pam 9-5                        27 4th
#5 Foxy Cara 5-1                        26
#2 Bedtime Story 2-1                26 3rd $2.90
#3 Book of Wisdom 8-1            25 2nd $9.00

Race 2:

#1 Kid Billy 6-5                          29 1st $3.80
#6 Waralo 7-2                             28 2nd $3.30 Ex $14.60
#2 On the Hill 8-5                      28 4th
#4 He Has It All 6-1                   27

Race 3:

#6 Heavenly Light 6-5               27 2nd $2.20
#5 Higher Force 6-1                   26 3rd $2.20
#1 Helen’s Revenge 3-1             25 scratched
#7 Pocket Queens 7-2                25 1st $11.40

Race 4:

#6 Ican 3-1                                  29 4th
#1 T Kraft 2-1                             28 1st $7.20
#2 Paula’s a Star 9-2                  27 3rd $3.10
#4 Do It for Michael 7-2            27

Race 5:

#7 I’m Very Sweet 9-2                18 3rd $3.30
#2 She’s Complicated 3-1          18
#3 Decree and Declare 3-1         17 2nd $5.40
#4 Elemiah 2-1                             16

Race 6:

#4 Floki’s Flight 4-5                    31 3rd $2.10
#2 Flat Out Flying 3-1                30 1st $6.60
#7 Street Swagg 8-1                    29 2nd $6.30 Tri $71.00
#5 Midnight Trouble 8-1            28

Race 7:

#6 Al’s Ruby 6-5                         30 scratched 
#4 Elliptic 9-2                             28 1st $9.30
#7 Call Her Bluff 7-2                  27 2nd $2.60 Ex $38.00
#1 Harlan’s Bond 10-1               27

Race 8:

#5 Union Express 8-1                 27 3rd $3.00
#8 Solo Empire 12-1                   26
#1 Six Kings 1-1                           25 1st $3.40
#3 D Day Sky 7-2                          24 4th

Race 9:

#1 Save Us Melania 2-1              32
#4 Points Is Points 5-2               31
#2 Grammy Girl 9-2                    30
#6 Catherine Wheel 5-1             29

Race 10:

#8 Houlton 6-1                            29
#7 Eric From Miami 7-2             28
#1a Melt With You 8-5               27
#4 Final Denile 12-1                   27

Aqueduct Plays

Early Pick 5:

Race 1:  6,5,2

Race 2:  1,6,2

Race 3:  6,5,1,7

Race 4:  6,1

Race 5:  7,2,3,4

$.50 Ticket:  $144

Early Pick 4:

Race 2:  1,6

Race 3:  6,5

Race 4:  6,1,2,4

Race 5:  7,2,3,4

$.50 Ticket:  $32

Pick 4 (4-7):

Race 4:  6,1

Race 5:  7,2,3,4

Race 6:  4,2,7,5

Race 7:  6 *6 scratched using 4

$.50 Ticket:  $16

Pick 6:

Race 5:  7,2,3,4

Race 6:  4,2

Race 7:  6 *6 scratched using 4

Race 8:  5,8,1/1a

Race 9:  1/1a,4

Race 10: 8,7,1a/1/1x

$1.00 Ticket:  $144

Late Pick 5:

Race 6:  4,2

Race 7:  6,4,7 *6 scratched using 4,7,1

Race 8:  5,8,1/1a,3

Race 9:  1/1a,4,2

Race 10: 8,7,1a/1/1x

$.50 Ticket:  $108

Late Pick 4:

Race 7:  6,4,7 *6 scratched using 4,7,1

Race 8:  5,8,1/1a,3

Race 9:  1,4,2

Race 10: 8,7,1/1a/1x,4

$.50 Ticket:  $72

Colonial Downs Selections 

Race 1:  Strength Variable:

#2 Quantum Burst 4-5             29 1st $2.20
#3 Krissi N 7-2                           28 4th
#1 Rosieontheriver 3-1            27 3rd $2.10
#5 Nick’s Notion 6-1                26 2nd $5.80

Race 2:

#1 Maerdama 4-5                      18 2nd $2.10
#5 Ann’s Girl 3-1                       18 3rd $2.10
#2 Divine Works 5-2                 17 1st $13.20 Tri $30.80
#3 Contra 8-1                             16

Race 3:

#4 Medagooch 9-2                    26 2nd $4.40
#6 Eastbostonbenny 6-5          26 1st $4.20 Ex $15.60
#5 Mucho Tigger 8-1                25
#2 Ben’s Hero 4-1                      24 3rd $2.20

Race 4:

#2 Keepsake 1-1                        19 1st $2.80
#6 Belle Ofthe Wood 7-2          17 2nd $4.00 Ex $10.20
#3 Rina Is Fire 4-1                     16 scratched 
#1 Mo Argento 8-1                    15 4th

Race 5:

#4 Dettori 6-5                           18 2nd $2.60
#1 Lion of Justice 3-2              18 1st $4.00
#7 Richard Feynman 10-1      17 4th
#3 Christmas Spirit 6-1           16

Race 6:

#4 Verifire 5-2                         19 1st $7.20
#8 Venik 5-1                             18
#2 Hitchcock 6-5                     18 2nd $2.20
#7 Suremeanttoobe 6-1         17 3rd $3.40

Race 7:

#5 Lure Him In 5-2                 32 1st $4.80 Dbl $34.40
#1 Eloquist 7-2                        31 2nd $4.20 Ex $20.20
#2 Just Call Ray 4-1                30 3rd $3.00 Tri $50.80
#4 Hay Chief 8-1                     30 scratched

Race 8:

#3 Gowells Delight 3-1          31 scratched
#1 Icona Mama 8-1                 30 4th
#8 Fondly 7-2                           29 1st $4.40
#6 You’ll Be Back 9-2              29

Race 9:

#7 Rapture 5-1                       34
#6 Getaway Car 9-5               33 4th
#2 John Hancock 3-1             32 scratched 
#4 Omaha Omaha 10-1         31 3rd $5.20

Race 10:

#6 Supreme Law 6-5             33
#9 Mo Rewards 6-1                31
#2 Passing Game 9-2             30
#5 Protege 8-1                        29

Colonial Downs Plays

Early Pick 5:

Race 1:  2,3,1

Race 2:  1,5

Race 3:  4,6,5,2

Race 4:  2,6

Race 5:  4,1

$.50 Ticket:  $48

Early Pick 4:

Race 2:  1,5,2,3

Race 3:  4,6,5,2

Race 4:  2,6

Race 5:  4,1

$.50 Ticket:  $32

Pick 4 (4-7):

Race 4:  2,6,3,1

Race 5:  4,1

Race 6:  4,8,2

Race 7:  5,1,2,4

$.50 Ticket:  $48

Pick 6:

Race 5:  4,1

Race 6:  4,8,2

Race 7:  5,1

Race 8:  3,1,8,6

Race 9:  7,6,2 *2 scratched using 7,6,4

Race 10: 6

$1.00 Ticket:  $144

Late Pick 5:

Race 6:  4,8,2,7

Race 7:  5,1,2

Race 8:  3,1,8 *3 scratched using 1,8,6

Race 9:  7,6,2 *2 scratched using 7,6,4

Race 10: 6,9

$.50 Ticket:  $108

Late Pick 4:

Race 7:  5,1

Race 8:  3,1,8,6

Race 9:  7,6,2,4

Race 10: 6,9,2,5

$.50 Ticket:  $64

“Strength Variable” – Is a numerical value that gets assigned to each runner, the end result of the system that I use, which evaluates the horses in as many as thirty categories per race. It gives a visual of races where there are standouts , or conversely, heats where it is very difficult to separate. The races with better quality of horses will score higher values, while lower level claimers and maiden races with limited information will be lower numbers. Top picks that eclipse the second and third choice by three, four or more points will be runners that have a higher percentage of winning. These may be races where it is easier to find a single, where as races in which the values are close , and even tied in some instances may be races to spread in.




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