A Winning Day at the Races!

December 28th, 2024 Free Picks & Plays

Since the launch of this site eight years ago our statistics have remained consistent. Race winner is in top three selections 65% of the time 14,450/22,225 and top choice first or second 46% of the time 10,249/22,225. The algorithm is very good at zeroing in on live runners with regularity, you will often find the triple and super in our picks.

*Dealing with health issues will post Picks/Plays when able…

 *Saturday’s Full Card Aqueduct Gulfstream Picks/Plays Below…

Aqueduct Selections

Race 1:  Strength Variable:

#3 Captain Cook 2-1                  19 1st $3.00
#2 Atlal 9-5                                  18 3rd $2.60
#9 Grey Ace 10-1                         16 4th
#6 Griffin’s Wharf 8-1                15 2nd $9.70 Spr $310.40

Race 2:

#4 Saint Gaudens 8-5                 29 4th
#7 Noonzio 7-2                            28 2nd $4.10
#5 Rock the Weekend 12-1        27 1st $13.80
#2 Liberty Central 5-2                27 scratched

Race 3:

#4 Maximus Meridius 2-1          36 1st $6.90
#2 Full Moon Madness 8-1        35 2nd $6.50 Ex $28.20
#3 Runninsonofagun 9-5           34 3rd $2.30 Tri $62.48
#6 Top Gunner 5-1                      33 4th Spr $205

Race 4:

#6 York Tavern 2-1                     27 2nd $3.50
#4 Raleigh St. Clair 10-1            26
#8 Conniving 5-1                         25 4th
#3 Ride Up 5-2                              25 3rd $3.80

Race 5:

#3 Blue Eyed Scout 6-1               17
#13 Naive Melody 5-2 AE           17 1st $4.60
#5 Hattie Carroll 20-1                 16 4th
#6 Twirling Lulu 8-1                    16
#1 Three Nines Fine 10-1           15

Race 6:

#3 Ministerial 7-2                       29 2nd $4.70
#10 Confabulation 9-2               28 3rd $5.60
#5 Vinsanity 15-1                        27
#4 Register 15-1                           27

Race 7:

#11 Vettriano 2-1                        33 2nd $3.00
#3 Trust Issues 8-1                     32
#10 Skylander 7-2                       32 1st $11.00
#8 Peek 15-1                                 31

Race 8:

#3 El Grande O 8-5                     35
#7 Bank Frenzy 9-5                     35 1st $4.70
#5 Doc Sullivan 6-1                    34 2nd $5.10
#1 Colloquy 12-1                         33

Race 9:

#5 One Vision 9-5                        16
#4 Monomoy Beach 5-1              15
#13 Vamonos Vamonos 5-2 AE 15 2nd $4.60
#11 M G Dash 12-1                      14 scratched
#10 Cada Dia Mejor 15-1            14 3rd $13.80

Aqueduct Plays

Early Pick 5:

Race 1:  3,2

Race 2:  4,7,5,2

Race 3:  4,2

Race 4:  6,4,8,3

Race 5:  3,13,5,6

$.50 Ticket:  $128

Early Pick 4:

Race 2:  4,7,5,2

Race 3:  4,2

Race 4:  6,4,8,3

Race 5:  3,13,5,6

$.50 Ticket:  $64

Pick 4 (3-6):

Race 3:  4,2,3

Race 4:  6,4,8,3

Race 5:  3,13,5,6

Race 6:  3,10

$.50 Ticket:  $48

Pick 6:

Race 4:  6

Race 5:  3,13,5,6

Race 6:  3,10,5,4

Race 7:  11

Race 8:  3,7

Race 9:  5,4,13

$1.00 Ticket:  $96

Late Pick 5:

Race 5:  3,13,5,6

Race 6:  3,10,5,4

Race 7:  11,3,10

Race 8:  3,7

Race 9:  5,4,13,11 *11 scratched using 5,4,13,10

$.50 Ticket:  $192

Late Pick 4:

Race 6:  3,10

Race 7:  11,3,10,8

Race 8:  3,7,5,1

Race 9:  5,4,13,11 *11 scratched using 5,4,13,10

$.50 Ticket:  $64

Gulfstream Selections

Race 1:  Strength Variable:

#3 Steel Lute 7-2                          31 1st
#2 Blitz 8-1                                    30
#7 Tutta La Vita (AUS) 5-2         29 2nd
#8 Spinning Colors 6-1               28 4th

Race 2:

#7 Bam Bam 8-5                           15 1st $4.00
#1 Star Performance 2-1             14 3rd $2.20
#4 Starship Spectacle 6-1           13
#2 Miss Athletic 12-1                  12 4th

Race 3:

#10 Now Showing 2-1                27 1st $4.20 Dbl $10
#8 Amor Y Control 4-1               26 2nd $3.80 Ex $17.60
#7 Noble Dreamer 6-1                25 3rd $5.00 Tri $95.20
#5 Whiteknuckleflyer 9-2          24

Race 4:

#2 Amazing Woo 7-5                   26 3rd $2.10
#5 Austonian 5-1                         25 1st $14.20
#7 Star of the Beast 4-1              25 scratched
#3 Walt Whitman (IRE) 10-1     24

Race 5:

#3 Jimmy’s Dailys 5-2                 19 4th
#7 Tappan Street 3-1                  18 1st $6.60
#12 Solid Left 15-1                      18
#4 Abundance 6-1                       17

Race 6:

#10 Unit Economics (GB) 5-2    32 2nd $3.60
#2 Capture the Flag 7-2              31
#8 Calycanthus 9-2                      30
#1 On Thin Ice 12-1                     29 4th

Race 7:

#1 Burnham Square 5-2             19 1st $4.60
#5 Onrush 7-2                              18
#2 Only in America 9-5              18 2nd $3.60
#3 What Me Worry 12-1             17

Race 8:

#8 Imaboutago (IRE) 9-2          33
#12 Twirling Queen 5-2            32 4th
#1 Mrs. Gambolini 7-2               31 scratched
#5 Just a Care (IRE) 6-1             30 1st $9.60

Race 9:

#8 Exact Estimate 5-2               35
#4 Yamato 5-1                             34 4th
#3 Jerry the Nipper 9-2             33 1st $11.80
#5 Fly the W 10-1                       32

Race 10:

#9 Illuminare 10-1                    38
#10 White Abarrio 3-5              37 2nd $2.20
#6 Mufasa (CHI) 9-2                  36 1st $10.20
#1 Playmea Tune 15-1              35

Race 11:

#4 Catalyzed (FR) 9-2               30
#6 Lady Mary (GER) 5-1           29
#12 Mi Amore 20-1                    28
#1 Aspen Dawn 15-1                 27

Gulfstream Plays

Early Pick 5:

Race 1:  3,2,7,8

Race 2:  7,1

Race 3:  10,8,7,5

Race 4:  2,5,7 *7 scratched using 2,5,3

Race 5:  3,7

$.50 Ticket:  $96

Early Pick 4:

Race 2:  7,1

Race 3:  10,8,7,5

Race 4:  2,5,7,3

Race 5:  3,7,12,4

$.50 Ticket:  $64 $124.95

Pick 6:

Race 6:  10,2,8

Race 7:  1,5,2

Race 8:  8,12,1 *1 scratched using 8,12,5

Race 9:  8,4,3

Race 10: 9,10

Race 11:  4,6,12

$.20 Ticket:  $97.20

Late Pick 5:

Race 7:  1,5,2

Race 8:  8,12,1,5

Race 9:  8,4,3

Race 10: 9,10,6

Race 11:  4,6,12,1

$.50 Ticket:  $216

Late Pick 4:

Race 8:  8,12,1,5

Race 9:  8,4,3

Race 10: 9,10,6

Race 11:  4,6,12,1

$.50 Ticket:  $72

“Strength Variable” – Is a numerical value that gets assigned to each runner, the end result of the system that I use, which evaluates the horses in as many as thirty categories per race. It gives a visual of races where there are standouts , or conversely, heats where it is very difficult to separate. The races with better quality of horses will score higher values, while lower level claimers and maiden races with limited information will be lower numbers. Top picks that eclipse the second and third choice by three, four or more points will be runners that have a higher percentage of winning. These may be races where it is easier to find a single, where as races in which the values are close , and even tied in some instances may be races to spread in.






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